Sunday, March 22, 2015

What's Stopping You?

Posted by Yunaa. at 10:51 AM
This is what annoys me so much all this time. Like, what is stopping me in life? Nothing. If I wanted to, I could go outside and run and run and run away and never look back. I could get up and just leave. Or in the middle of an exam I can scream out and cause a ruckus, if I really wanted to. Or even worse I could get up right now, go outside run up to a guy and kiss him. Any guy. It's the same thing for school like if I wanted to I could actually pass with good grades. I could easily lose weight if I set my mind to it. Because the only question and answer is:

Who's stopping you? Yourself.

You fear of not being good enough. You fear that you might not be good enough to do all you wanted to do. And that's what I hate about society, the idea that you have to follow the trends and the do's and don't's. And that you can't have something different than the average standard you get in a single person in the world. Why? Because you will be fucking judged. But in truth, you can do what you want be who you really want to be. Like, Because in the end, if you succeed and pass all the failures in life, the ones who judged you for stepping out there and say you're not good enough, will suck it all to you. And who cares if you fail? Stand up and try again. Because the only thing stopping you, is you.

Oke, kenapa gue nyebut ini pencerahan tau diri? Karena gue sendiri juga begini. Malah gue ngetik semua yang ada di atas ini berdasarkan hidup gue sendiri. Yang nilai bagus, ngurusin badan, dll, itu semua gue ketik berdasarkan situasi gue sendiri. Ini relatable banget gue gue, duh :')

Btw, yang mau gue bilang cuman kalo emang lo mau berubah, berubah aja. Gak ada yang bakal nuntut lo buat gitu-gitu aja. Jangan gara-gara orang nge-judge lo, elo jadi stuck di situ-situ doang. Jangan gara-gara orang nge-judge elo, pikiran elo jadi cuman fix lo udah begitu aja. Jangan pernah ngerasa puas sama diri lo sekarang. Karena lo bakal bisa jaid orang yang jauh lebih baik.

"Life goes on, just like a song. If you repeat that part again and again, you will never get to the finish."

(Gue sok bijak banget ewh)

Udah ah, daripada galau mending dengerin Kimunyu nyanyi aja. Hehehe. He.

-yunaa x


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